Purpose of the Whitfield-Murray Historical Society
The Society is a cultural, educational, non-profit association of individual members and entities interested in and dedicated to the collection, preservation, study,and dissemination of historic information and objects about people, places, organizations, and events in Murray and Whitfield counties.
The Society shall provide for the preservation and accessibility of its holdings in historic buildings, at sites, and through publications. The Society shall cooperate with local, state, and national agencies to collect and preserve materials of broader significance.
Acceptance of materials is limited to those items that have a primary emphasis on the histories of Whitfield and Murray Counties. The Society seeks items that will build on current strengths as well as enhance underrepresented time periods and people.
o A clear record will be kept to document all gifts. o Donors who give items to the Society will fill out the Donor Form, stating the value of items. The Society does not appraise donations for tax purposes. o Acquisitions must have no donor-imposed restrictions for the use of the gift. In some cases, donors may give funds for the maintenance of the gifts. o Each property will have an Acquisitions Committee to evaluate donations. The committee will have three members including the property chair. The headquarters committees will include epresentatives from both counties.
Considerations will include: 1. Does the donation fit the mission? 2. Are we able to provide the proper environment to preserve the item? 3. Do we have space to store the item? 4. Should another WMHS property consider the item for its collection? 5. Would we be better served to sell the item and use the funds for other purposes?
o Currently held items that are not relevant to the mission or cannot be adequately preserved or stored may be de-accessioned by the Accessions Committee.
Sources: Georgia Historical Society, Georgia Association of Museums and Galleries, Georgia Historical Records Advisory Board, and the Hay House museum.